Wednesday, July 10, 2013

17 Yes, We Have Tomatoes!

Out checking the garden this afternoon and look at what I found!

Only three but the first three from a variety of tomato called Red Pearl which is a type of cherry tomato. I have gown this tomato for the last three years. It is a heavy producer, has great taste, and keeps well.

Here are some pictures of the tomatoes in the garden.

As you can I have helpers!

Also the sweet corn is growing nicely. More about this in the future.

That's all till next time!

Sunday, July 7, 2013

16 We Have Beans!

Well things are still growing in the garden! In fact just yesterday I picked the first green beans! The green beans are planted in one of the Earthboxes.

The box was planted mid-May with 16 seeds of the variety Contender from Burpee's Seeds. Here is the description from the Burpee's catalog, Contender is one of the best bush beans ever. It is a heavy cropper with round-oval pods and a strong, distinctive flavor. It's an early bean that does well under short seasons and cool conditions, but it will thrive in hot weather too. 55 days to maturity.
Here is the first picking!
Next a look at the zucchini. I know this is hard to believe I have had problem growing zucchini in past years. That doesn't appear to be the problem this year as you can see in the picture below. Have not harvested any yet but counting the number of small zucchini on the vines there will not be any shortage in the next week or so!

Also the tomatoes are doing well and below are a few pictures of the tomatoes.

More about the tomatoes and other parts of the garden next time.