Sunday, April 14, 2013

Week 10 - Some Progress

Well with nearly 5 inches of rain, 1 inch of snow, and temperatures in the 30's and 40's it hasn't seemed much like spring this past week. The bright spot the rain was greatly appreciated.

I have not done any outside gardening yet. Had planned to plant some potatoes but may pass on that and plant some winter squash instead in the area I had reserved for potatoes. The outside garden will consist of a couple of kinds of squash, some pumpkins, and gourds. The rest of the garden will be in containers namely Earthboxes. Of course can't be without the perennial garden, hope to get it back into shape after a couple of dry years.

Now a progress report on the indoor garden. Only one head of the first crop of lettuce remains, the others have been harvested, eaten, and replaced with the second crop. Still have two plants in the AeroGarden one to take the empty spot and the other the location where the remaining first crop plant is located (large plant).

The spinach continues to grow despite our continued harvesting. I think two rows of spinach in the Earthbox is too much for us. In the future will only plant one row, more about this in the future.

The kale is also doing well. There are two varieties planted in the Earthbox one on each end. Both varieties were planted at the same time. The variety on the left came up in about 36 hours. The one to the right took more than 4 days. Strange there can be that much difference in germination between cultivars.

Because of the cold temperatures the spinach, lettuce, and kale have been spending the day inside rather than out on the deck in the natural sunlight.

The indoor tomatoes continue to do quite well at least one of them any way. All the tomato plants are roughly the same age but you can see the one is doing rather well with lots of blossoms.

If you examine the other plants it looks like they either have been through a war or are infected with some type of blight. After careful observation I determined the cause is a type of blight called Fergie. When you are not looking she bats and hugs the small plants. Also if you look carefully you will see a cucumber plant in the middle front of the box. Received a trial package of cucumber seed called munchers. According to the description the two-three foot vines produce an abundance of 6 inch cucumbers. We shall see.

The seeds I planted last week have started to emerge. The celebrity tomatoes, row 3, are a little slow but the rest of the tomatoes have emerged. The eggplant (row 8) have just started to emerge and the peppers (row 10) should be doing so in the next day or so. Peppers always take longer to germinate than other seeds.

Well that's a look at the garden for this week. Lets have it warm up and be more spring like! More next week.





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