Sunday, April 28, 2013

Week 12 It's Beginning to Look Like Spring

Well the week ended with some weather more like spring, sunny and near 70F. Doesn't appear the spring weather will last as it looks like a rainy mid week and quite cold last part of the week. Ran across the following articles about this Spring's weather.

Water, Water, Everywhere…

An Elusive Spring

A Tough Spring for Farmers

As far as gardening goes this week I managed to get the perennial flower beds cleaned off and the garden ready for tilling. The garden soil is still too wet to till but maybe in a couple of days. Did manage to trim the Kockout roses. Thought about cleaning up the raspberry beds but they are still too dormant. Will need a few more days and then should be able to see what is alive and what is dead. With the toll the dry hot weather of last summer took on the raspberries don't expect much of crop. Just hope to keep enough plants alive so that they can be used to restore the plantings.

Manage to move the transplants from the AeroGarden to small pots. This will allow the plants to become adjusted to soil and prepare them for the Earthboxes. Below are some tomato plants removed from the AeroGarden and before potting.

In the next two pictures are the potted tomatoes, also the some peppers and eggplant. They are are planted in 4in pots that I found for 49 cents each a couple of years ago. I scrub them with soap and hot water, then soak in a 25% (v/v) solution of bleach for several hours. Then I rinse an let dry in the sun for a day or two.

Also in the above photos a couple of pots containing some new perennials I ordered for the garden. They arrived this week and decided to pot them up for a couple of weeks, before putting them in their place. The next photo is of all the transplants.

Next a look a the Earthboxes containing the cold weather crops. First the kale, then the lettuce and finally the spinach.

The yogurt cup around the one newly planted lettuce provides wind protection as the lettuce, kale, and spinach are all spending their days and nights outside on the deck.

The row of spinach in the lower right of the picture will be harvested later today and new spinach seeds planted in its place. Hopefully there is time for one more planting before the hot weather arrives and the spinach bolts.

Lastly the indoor tomato continues to progress.

That's all for this week!

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