Monday, May 6, 2013

Week 13 Not So Much Like Spring

Early the past week for a couple of days it was very spring like. Sunny, clear, with temperatures near 80F. Or even above. Late in afternoon or early evening on one of these very spring like days I was out on the deck watering some plants and I hear a hoot-hoot noise. Looking up in the near by tree I spotted.

I was surprised it stayed in the tree long enough for me to go in and get my camera. I was able to snap the above photo, but before I zoom in to get a closer picture. It flew off to another tree.

If you look carefully at the picture you can see the back of the owl and then notice how far it's head is twisted around to look at me.

After the nice weather we woke to a record snow fall for May, 6.2 in. That number is probably on the low side because of melting and compaction.

Now some pictures of the indoor tomato plant.

Now that it is starting to warm and become spring like some of the plants are back outside on the deck.

The transplants and herbs are doing well under the grow lights. If the weather holds will start move these outside to begin harding the plants so they can be set out.

That's all for this week!

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